Thursday, September 24, 2009

Podcast - Collapsing Horse

Consider my podcast, Listen Local, well, live! My first episode is posted, and you can subscribe right here.

Just what is Listen Local, you ask? This podcast features local musicians and bands. I'll interview member(s) to discover how they got into music, why they're in Austin, what their future plans are, and other interesting band stats. Wanna know about a particular local band or musician? Drop me a note in the comments, and I'll see what I can do!

The first episode features an interview with Lawrence Lander, the lead singer of Austin band Collapsing Horse. You'll notice that there are 2 versions of this podcast. For the quick-n-dirty about the band, there is a shorter version of the podcast; for those of you who wanna go deeper, check out the extended version. If you've got the time, I highly recommend the extended version.

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