Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Listen up, Austin!

Hey y'all - yes, I just dropped a "y'all" in my opening statement - I'm Caitlin, and this is the inaugural post for this brand new blog, Rock.Austin. I'm a fifth-year senior, graduating in December from the University of Texas at Austin, and I'm completely obsessed with music. I'm in a great place to indulge my obsession - Austin is renowned for its live music scene. We've got incredible venues, fantastic local bands, and super festivals, including (but not limited to!) the Austin City Limits music festival, Fun Fun Fun Fest, and South by Southwest.

This blog is going to reflect the fantastic music we have access to here in Austin. What can you expect? There will be a podcast series called Listen Local, where I profile musicians from right here in Austin; there will be venue and concert reviews, and possibly a review of the aforementioned ACL fest (assuming my broken ankle is in a position to handle that event in three weeks); and there will be tons of other local music news about labels, lessons, and anything else you can think of. Do you have suggestions for stuff you want me to look into? Drop me a comment and let me know!

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